Books For Anyone Thinking About an Investment Property


When you first get into any new investment there are two things you can count on. First, that you are going to be looking for advice and ideas everywhere you go. Second, that every Tom, Dick, and Harry is going to be ready with their unsolicited, often uneducated, advice on just what you should do. … Read more

What NOT to do as a Landlord


When you decide to purchase an income property for the first time, there is always going to be a bit of a learning curve. Especially if you decide you are going to manage the property yourself. Everywhere you look there are going to be friends and relatives with advice; magazine articles with tips and tricks; … Read more

Featured Property – Capitol Residence Penthouse 4102


(Capitol Residence) Penthouse – For Rent This two-level penthouse, located in the popular Capitol Downtown, is the epitome of style. Containing three bedrooms and an office, there is more than enough space to bring the whole family with you. With an 1800 square feet of open space, your whole family can gather on the expansive … Read more

The Landlord Summer To-Do List


It’s finally summertime. Time to relax with the family and enjoy those long sun-filled days with good friends and a little BBQ. However if you own an investment property, summer is also when you need to get some pretty important maintenance items checked off your to-do list. And of course, the more rain we’ve had … Read more

The Laneway House


The trouble with thinking of your home as an investment is simply that you have to live somewhere. So if you decide to cash in on that investment you have to sell your home and either downsize considerably or move to a much less expensive market. Which could mean leaving the lower mainland altogether? However, … Read more

How to Make Your Rental Property Pop

Stand Out from the Rest Rental property is a wonderful form of income but a vacant property can actually cost you if left too long. When it comes to attracting tenants, the best way to do so is by ensuring that your listing has all of the elements a renter wants. When there is a … Read more

How to Deal With Problem Tenants


Nobody buys an investment property thinking they would like to have to deal with problem tenants. In fact, it’s the excuse usually given by those people who’ve always wanted to buy an income property, but never end up making the purchase. They think about the potential for the relationship to go badly and they let … Read more

Featured Development – Block 100

Each week we feature a new development property in the Greater Vancouver area. BLOCK 100 Located on the 100 block of East 1st Avenue, Block 100 is a modern and centrally located in Southeast False Creek. Built by the Onni Group, Block 100 is made up of condominiums and townhouses that feature a variety of … Read more

Featured Development – Epic At West


Each week we feature a new development property in the Greater Vancouver area. Epic at west Epic at West is a brand new development in the heart of False Creek Village in Vancouver, BC. Epic at West is the final tower in the multi-phased development called Residences at West and is the much anticipated finale … Read more

The Rental Walkthrough Checklist for Vancouverites


With the vacancy rate in Vancouver reaching the lowest it’s been since 2008 it’s tempting just to jump on the first rental property you find that seems half-way decent. That said, the only thing worse than not being able to find a rental that fits your needs is being stuck in a lease with a … Read more

Is it Time to Speak to a Property Manager?


Trying to figure out whether you need to hire a property manager can be difficult, especially in a highly dynamic and unusual real-estate market like Vancouver.  There’s so many different factors to consider! That’s why we’ve compiled all of them into this handy decision chart infographic that will help you figure out whether it’s better … Read more