Why live in Yaletown Vancouver

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Back in the day, Yaletown was rather unknown to most residents in Vancouver. It was mainly a “warehouse district” in the Downtown South section of the city. Today, with its busy commercial activities, bustling offices and restaurants, art gallerias, and its growing residential/real estate sectors, Vancouverites have pretty much recognized this city as a dynamic business and residential neighbourhood.

Yaletown was established by the CPR railroad workers (Canadian Pacific Railroad) that settled in the olden-day Yaletown and started building it. They’ve largely contribute to what the community has become today.  They built Yaletown around late 1880s by constructing its rail yards and restoration/maintenance facilities for steam engines on the north shore of False Creek. And in the next couple of decades, other industries discovered the high commercial potential of the area. Workers of these industries lived in the proximate areas and became the early dwellers of Yaletown. Until today, you can still see the historic traces of Yaletown’s old era.

Residential and commercial interests

Because of its unique character, Yaletown has enticed many young entrepreneurs and professionals. With its old warehouses being converted to offices, eateries, cafes, cultural galleries, and residential houses, the place offers both artistry and a fairly inexpensive residential destination. Recently, Yaletown has progressed into a mixture of business and residential community. 

Where exactly is Yaletown

This transformed Vancouver warehouse neighbourhood has a convenient view of the False Creek and is practically bordered by Denman St. at the west and the Pacific Boulevard at the east. 

What makes it a great residential area?

From being purely industrial to becoming a more progressive neighbourhood, living in this Vancouver district is a distinctive mix of urban, trendy, upscale, and commercial lifestyle. If you’re up for a chic yet comfy neighborhood, then Yaletown is your best bet.

Some hotspots in the “warehouse community”

Getting to know Yaletown means visiting some of its historic spots. The CPR Roundhouse is a must-see, being the mark of the district’s early development. It has been renovated to a big community center, serving the residents of the northern False Creek community and the Pacific Place. The Yaletown building that is situated at 1152 Mainland Street is another significant landmark. Built in 1913, it was created as a warehouse and office building. These days, it houses architectural companies and other professional firms. And because the rental cost is low while offering a strong and nice space, it is quite appealing to many businessmen and professionals.