Vancouver Westside, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
If looking forward to exploring a new area, head to Vancouver Westside, the western half of the city of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. A number of tranquil neighborhoods make up the West Side and they contain private schools, paths for biking and walking, and amazing beaches. Neighborhoods include Kitsilano, Kerrisdale, Fairview, West Point Grey, and Marpole.
Marpole is a neighborhood accessible from the airport and hosts the Marpole Summerfest and Chinese New Year and Lion Tour.
Kitsilano is a great community of endless activities, as well as local attractions and resources. Furthermore, Kitsilano is home to Kits Beach, a place where people can find five northern tennis courts that were recently renovated to fit International Tennis Federation standards for tournaments and five southern tennis courts. With bicycle shops and fitness centers, Kitsilano is definitely a fit neighborhood. Cultural events are held at the community center or parks. Laneway houses are the most common in Kitsilano and most residents live in them.
Kerrisdale is a neighborhood that has new apartments and condominiums near older bungalows, providing different living options for residents. For locals, Kerrisdale Village is the main shopping area and there are benches placed on the streets for those wanting to take a moment to sit and enjoy the day. Community resources include a pool, Kerrisdale Community Center, parks, and leash-free dog area. With a branch of Vancouver Public Library, readers are sure to be interested and sporty fanatics can head to the Kerrisdale Cyclone Taylor Arena for public ice skating programs. Events include a spectacular Christmas celebration that has horse and carriage rides, bands that play along the streets, and Santa’s visit!
Fairview is a neighborhood that hosts multiple festivals and offers the same community resources as the other neighborhoods do. Being the host of Vancouver International Children’s Festival and Writer’s Festival also adds to the importance of the area, as well as being home to Vancouver General Hospital and the British Columbia Cancer Agency.
Point Grey has access to Jericho Beach and Spanish Banks, including view of the mountains. Located between the University of British Columbia and Kitsilano, Point Grey Village is the primary shopping area. Similar to other neighborhoods, Point Grey has West Point Grey Community Center and Lord Byng Pool for residents to go to. Point Grey Fiesta is an annual event that marks the beginning of summer and includes a parade, carnival rides, and stage performances for an entire weekend.
Exploring Vancouver Westside could take a lot of effort and attracts tourists and residents with its charismatic activities.
For Rent in Vancouver Westside
In the Neighbourhood